Tuesday 21 June 2011

Inspection on 19 June 2011

After procrastinating for a couple of weeks, the moment was here, another inspection. Neighbours didn't have any washing out, weather wasn't too bad.  I felt as a responsible bee-keeper, I should check out the brood and look for diseases so I could take evasive action to prevent my bees contaminating the rest of the local bee population.  So, Mr TB offered to help, although he did stress that he really would like to wear some protection this time. I guess he does live and learn. So all suited up, smoker was going a storm, I had all the equipment handy, bee brush to clear the brood comb for inspection, hive tool and knife, newly cleaned in washing soda and a spare hair clip - I had even prepared for previous disasters.

So good start, lid off - Comb 13, looking good, 2 small ones, with a cute little window in one so the bees can take a short cut. Next bar in Comb 19 -
Another tiny one, shows they are expanding nicely. 

Next is front and back of comb 18.  Another beautiful looking white comb.  Queen still not seen, so I was going careful....The next 5 combs were all stuck together, I thought I would just bring them out all together and have a look at whether I could manipulate a split between the combs to separate them out. 

Then Oooops....
In a flash all positivity about the inspection vanished.  Luckily, the comb (16) stayed on the bar, a few dizzy, and very angry bees and I can just recall Mr TB shouting "We are under attack!"  He just needed to finish it off with "abandon hive" and it would have been a movie script. 

Luckily the fallen comb was OK, nestled in my flower bed.  I put it back and the bees who had been evicted shortly followed. My fear was that I had thrown out Queen Kylie.  But after such a disaster, my goal was to get the lid back on and hope for the best.  They took about 5 mins to calm down, although I still feel that they are bearing me a grudge.  Result was no Queen seen, no brood checked, and lots of angry bees.  I didn't use my hive tool, knife and on a good note, my hair clip, and my normally not so hot smoker was still smoking a good hour after I had shut up shop. Not a good score.  Not only that, when I tried to review the video to take screen caps, the video hangs, so I have lost most of the footage!  

Final Count 13, 2 small combs, 19 - tiny comb, 18 - medium comb, 5 together, then 16 made a break for it.  33 - big comb with some drone brood.  

I did have a bit of an adventure later on with a bumble bee who just would leave me alone, but I will save that for tomorrow.  

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