Sunday 27 May 2012

My Pet Worms - Vermicomposting

Since I got the chickens, I began composting.  I have 2 bins, a heap and several smaller wormeries to break down the chicken poop. Bin 1 has the fresh bedding and fresh chicken manure which is too acidic for worms,  I layer this with veggie peelings and paper shreddings.

  The second bin is packed full of the same ingredients but month down the line and loads of red wigglers (Eisenia fetida), they thrive in this bin which is a plastic bin with holes drilled in to allow liquid to seep and air to get in.  I turn the bin contents once a fortnight just to give the worms some air and break up any big clumps.  The third stage is the heap in the garden, I try and collect as many worms and worm eggs as I can and return them to  the bin, but I let the compost acclimatise in the heap before using in the garden. Collecting the worms and eggs is a bit of a challenge.  Sometimes I leave the compost in a trub for a couple of weeks before I use it just to allow time for the eggs to hatch and try and rescue as many worms as I can. Although they are thriving and multiplying well.

The other wormeries I have are just for fun, layers of basins in various stages of decomposition.

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