This year because I have planted lots of wild flowers for my Honey Bees, (who mostly ignore them and head off elsewhere) we have been lucky enough to have more visits from Bumble Bees. I was using my manual mower, (again trying to be bee friendly) and for 30 mins I kept feeling this bumble crawling on shoulder. I thought I would leave her bee , she will go soon, but no, when she got caught in my hair, I had to shake her off. I left her in the dining room while I finished the mowing, and she waited!
I couldn't just leave her so I put my hand out and she happily crawled on, a cup of tea later, what to do, she seemed to have moved in. Out to the garden with you, you can stay, but you will be an outdoor pet!
I have seen bumble bees previously on the pansies, so that will please her, she put out a couple of legs and appeared to make the move......

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