First fine day since I got the bees, I came home at 2 to find this scene. Bees were obviously enjoying the sunshine, but are they gathering for a swarm, was the nuc box too small for this cluster! Panic...........suit up Tweens!
No smoke, no hive tool, but a bread knife and a quickly donned suit, I grabbed a selection of screwdrivers, luckily one suited and I released the bees! I moved the frames into the brood box of the hive with a quick check for the Queen. No luck no Queen seen but I had to assume she was on a frame. At this point Tweens turned up and we were deciding what to do with the brace comb left at the bottom of the box when we spotted the Queen, she had a yellow spot (2012) and was running around the bottom of the box.
She climbed onto a bit of brace comb so I lifted that above the brood combs and she dived for cover in the middle comb. I put the Queen excluder on quick and took a breath. It was a wee bit of a panic, in the hurry to give them more room before they moved out, we missed a few photo opportunities.
But here is what we have.
Eventually the stragglers all moved in. I moved the hive to the position of the nuc so any flying bees could find their way home.
This was a couple of days later and the drones have been on their daily outing.
Bandit, thoroughly unimpressed.